Schedule of partnership schools

2010-09-27 22:41



Type of activities


1.      Friendship Day


1. Arrival of partnership groups from Slovakia and Czech Republic in Poland.

a) Accommodation at Polish families’ houses and “Opus” hotel in Góra.

Establishment of new contacts

2. Meeting of teenagers from Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic with teachers.


3. Introducing to Polish families during evening meetings.


2.      Meetings Day


1. Meeting of partnership schools youth at Primary School nr 1 in Góra.

Improving communication skills in English, Slovakian, Esperanto, Czech and Polish

2. Visit at Góra Town Department.

a) Meeting with local authorities – the mayor of Góra, town Council and councilors.


3. Meeting with Esperanto groups from our town.


4. Trip around Góra.

a) Familiarizing with the most important structures of public use in Góra.

b) Familiarizing with the history and important monuments in Góra.


5. Welcoming disco.


3.      Educational and Foreign Languages Day




1. Participation at school’s assembly.

Language skills improving

2. Participating in:

a) English classes

b) Esperanto classes (students and teachers)


3. Computer studies workshop – multimedia presentations “My Country”.


4. Polish with laughter – Polish for beginners.


5.      Meeting with the actor from Góra playing Saint Paul from Tars in J. Kawalerowicz film “Quo Vadis”.

a) a drama scene presented by Primary School nr 1 students.


6.      An afternoon trip around the district of Góra.

a) Barbecue


7.      Workshop for teachers – improving working with communication disorder students.

Prepared by Slovakian teachers and PCDN worker.

4.      Integration Day

The Pageantry of the Project 20.10.2010








1. Working in contest commission.

2. The Pageantry of the Project.

3. Summing up the project.

a) Local authorities and school headmaster’s speeches.

b) Presenting Awards and Prizes

4. Farewell dinner.

Summing up the Project “Small Homeland” and national culture promotions.

5.      Sport Day


1. Visiting sport facilities in Góra.

2. Sport Day at School.

a) games

b) matches between students

- football

- table tennis

3. Volleyball match at “Arkadia” sports hall between students and teachers

Strengthening of interpersonal contacts.

4. Sports activities with P-E instructors:

- at the gym

- fitness for girls


5. In the afternoon – a trip to swimming pool in Polkowice.


6. Disco – dancing to music at partnership countries – hits of 2009.








6.      Historical and Cultural Day



. 1. Trip to Wroclaw.

a) sighteeing of the city and monuments of the material culture

- Wroclaw – Ostrów Tumski

- The Old Market

- The Museum of Nature

- The Raclawicka Panorama

b) buying souvenirs

2. Visit at the ZOO.

3. Dinner in the city.

4. Returning to Góra in the evening hours.


Getting to know Polish culture and history.

7.      Leave Day


1. Return trip to Slovakia and Czech Republic.





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